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Event Dates / Locations

15 / 16th August - Click here for Results

26 / 27th September - Click here for Results

10 / 11th October - Avalon Archers - Click here for Results

Avalon Archers - Additional Information

2020 Covid 19 3DA at Avalon Archers

By taking part at this year's 3DA event at Avalon you are agreeing to abide by our revised rules and regulations.  We are trying to create as safe an environment as possible.  However each archer is responsible for their own actions and accept all health risks of attending this event during this time of Covid 19.  Each archer must bring their own hand sanitizer, wipes and disinfectant spray.  3DA, The Archery Company, Anthony Weston, Chris Cox, Avalon Archers and its members and the Landowner accept no liability or responsibility for your decision to attend this event and will not be held accountable if you get sick at or travelling to or from this event.

  • No spectators or entourage

  • If you are travelling with friends/household members please let us know asap (by 2nd October) so we can give you similar start times and put you in the same group where possible.

  • We must receive an email confirmation of your acceptance of the rule changes etc, by 5th October

  • Money shooters to declare by email their intention of competing in the Money Class by 5th October

  • Where possible Archers to arrive no earlier than 45 minutes before their designated Tee off time

  • No initial Registration on arrival - go to practise

  • Shooting in groups of a Max of 4

  • 5 x Ranges with Ten shooting lanes per range (Total 50 Targets).  There maybe be Fan/Scene shots so have enough arrows.

  • You must complete the ranges in the correct order.

  • There will be an instruction board at each range - you must follow those instructions and then move to the next range as per instructions on the board.  Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

  • Archers will be designated a Tee off time at a specific range.  (Miss your start time you don't shoot).  1st Tee off time 07:30 - last tee off time 10:00

  • You will receive an email notifying you of your start time.  If you have not received an email by 6th October please contact us asap.

  • Archers must be at their designated Starting area 10 minutes before their Official Tee off Time - Late arrivals will not be allowed to shoot.

  • 2m social distancing rules apply.  Keep your distance from each other and the Officials

  • Archers to collect scores cards at their designated starting area

  • No jumping groups - you must shoot the ranges and targets in order as specified on the range instruction boards

  • One scorer per group will look after the official cards.  Plus archer may score their own unofficial card.

  • Archers should pull their own arrows.

  • Each archer is responsible for their own hygiene (especially hands) and cleaning their own arrows and equipment between targets and over the duration of the event.

  • Each group has a maximum of 7 hours in which to complete the days shooting

  • Fully completed Score cards are to be placed in the box located at registration at the end of as soon as you finish.

  • Warning - fill in your score card correctly – Your Score won't be recorded if the score card is not filled out properly, inc, First and Last Name, Class and Style, Pro or Medal Shooter, Total Score and total 12's etc.

  • No prize giving - awards will be posted, or may be collected at the next event.

  • Toilets - Will work on a one in one out basis.  Be patient and plan ahead!!

  • No Catering. No Smoking (except at the main gathering area). No Dogs.

  • When you have finished shooting please leave the premises as soon as you can safely do so - no loitering and take your litter/rubbish away with you.

  • You must read and abide by any signs, notices and one way systems in place at the event.

  • Park in the field

  • Limited Camping - must be arranged by email by 5th October.

  • To help protect the safety of others, Attendees not abiding by the rules and regulations of the event will be asked to leave immediately.

  • Check the 3DA Website for direction to Archers Archers.


Please keep a close eye on the website and FB for updates.

You must now email 3DA to confirm you will abide by these rules and accept all liability for attending the event.  If we do not receive an email from you by 5th October we will cancel your entry and offer it to the next person in the waiting list.  Have respect for the rules, regs, each other and officials, we are trying our best to give you an event in these challenging times!

NEW FOR 2020

We have listened to and taken on board your comments from the previous years events. We have made some big changes to the 3DA format and with your help we will continue to make changes throughout the year.

We hope that the changes we have made for 2020 will go a long way to meeting all of your 3D archery requirements. 

Annual Registration and Fee's:

There will be NO annual registration fee. 

With the format change (see below) there are now new fee's.

£30.00 per person, per competition OR £55 per person for the weekend.

NEW - just for fun. "Lighted Nock Championships" (see below for details) - £5.00 per entry

Format Change:

Instead of the previous 5, there will now be 3 Series events.

Each weekend event will consist of two separate competitions. 

Saturday will be the UDC - Unknown Distance Competition    -    Sunday will be the KDC - Known Distance Competition. 

The two competitions are totally separate from each other. You can enter one or both. 

There will be 50 3D targets per competition - no lunch break. 

Sighted Archers will shoot one arrow per target.

Un-sighted archers will shoot 2 arrows per target. Arrows will be shot from the same shooting peg. Scoring will remain the same - so a maximum of 24 can be scored per animal. 

Ranges will be laid out as before, with the exception of NEW scene shots. Each archer must have enough arrows to shoot up to 4 targets (4 arrows sighted, 8 arrows unsighted).

Maximum Distance changes: Sighted classes - Maximum up to 50 yards. Un-sighted Maximum up to 40 yards. 

The additional side competitions of the Charity Long Shot and Known distance ranges have been dropped from all events.

Class Changes:

The Open Class - will now allow archers to choose either 300fps (+ 3% margin) OR 60lbs Maximum Peak weight.

Still only one class.  The reason for this change is to try to cover all FITA, NFAS and EFAA archer's. Then no-one has to change their bow set up to shoot 3DA.

Removal of the "OPEN PRO" Class. Any archer can now decide if they want to shoot for money. So  you do not have to be shooting sighted compounded. If you shoot barebow and decide you want to see if you can win some money or get your money back, then you can. 

Archer's who decide to shoot for money, will have to pay the additional £45 (per competition) on the morning of the shoot. The money needs to be paid in cash and you must tell admin before 8am on the shoot day. 

The removal of the "PRO" class means that there will no longer be the Pro Pressure shoot downs. 

Join Us

for the

2020 Series

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